duminică, 26 iulie 2020

PCs & Internet from 12 MHz to 3.5 GHz

Before the PC era (before the Flood) I assembled a HC90 Spectrum compatible starting with a kit from the LEU hotel, the Electronics faculty buiding. I assembled everything OK, but it didn't work.
I asked the guy who sold me the kit to check what happened. It was a PCB connection with poor contact...
This was very good for my brother who was in faculty beginning with 1990. A great tool for programming. For that moment it was enough for his projects.
Working at 3.5 MHz. Internet ? No way !
I also adapted a disc interface for this prehistoric PC:

The counter for Basic programs on cassette. Designed by me, worked with Philips bought by my dad from Italy in 1976

The counter was installed with opened cassette cover

The power supply, adapted on a former car battery charger

The summer of '96 was my first step on Internet, like the first step on the Moon in '69...
My brother had a second-hand 286 @ 6/12 MHz with a color EGA monitor, bought from a colleague.

The system was manufactured in 1990. At the same time he got a PC-NET free internet account from the Faculty of electrical engineering, the same that I graduated.
Having the hobby with satellite & decoders I was interested about the information from Internet.
The 286 was limited to emails, ftpmail and other offline methods to get information.
FTP and WWW were not working on the 286. I succeeded to get what I need using that antiquity.
As I was in a relation with my current wife, I noticed that she had a 386. That PC worked on WWW and she had a dial-up connection, so I exploited that resource.
In 1997 I bought a 486 @ 50/100 MHz with AMD processor.

Later I bought another with a higher speed.
In 2010 I bought a Dell Inspiron with Intel which works great even after 10 years.

In 2018 I switched from PC to an ASUS laptop with i7 @ 3.5 GHz.

30 years of progress, form 12 MHz to 3500 MHz... An incredible speed.
Internet connections from dial-up modems @ 2400, 14400,...56.000 to ADSL and finally GPON.
From the Bell's 2 twisted wires to fiber optics.

I also experimented the internet by satellite. Large amount of data demanded by dial-up and downloaded by the satellite dish via SKYSTAR 2 PCI PC board...
Bought from DIADI TELSAT on April 11, 2001 with 1 year Europe on-line subscription.

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