miercuri, 15 iulie 2020

Project manager @ SCP

My first contact with CATV was at ALEXIS Oradea, August 13, 1992.
My first visit at a head-end site was on August 18, 1992.

This was the last drop, one month before I left the building...

After the fall of Ovidiu they put Eugen Otelea as manager and they hired Antonescu who had some connections. I remember I met Antonescu at the Bucuresti Berlin service, between Cocor and Unirea.
There I worked one day to "repair" TVs. In fact from 2 faulty TVs you made one "good" by replacing some parts. Of course Antonescu hired HIS project designer, Cristian Mihailescu. Ilie Popescu was another almost retired person recycled from the stat system. Only Mrs. COCOS (not nut, but cock !!!) was young, probably under someone's protection. She was drawing the project.
Ilie Popescu "designed" how to do holes in concrete and some metal parts for installing cables between the condominiums. At that time aerial cables were allowed and we used the shortest path.

You see on the first page of the first line from the head-end to my neighborhood the hierarchy:


The most annoying was that month before we were:

OVIDIU, STELIAN ILIE and the installing team lead by NICOLAE DUMITRU and his friend from Chisinau boulevard,

As OVIDIU was like PURCARU (furniture men), I was the FIRST in the hierarchy of CATV.
In July 93 as seen (even before) I was the THIRD.
As Ilie Popescu was a CATV illiterate and Mrs. "COCK" the same, in reality I was the LAST in the hierarchy of CATV. From project manager I became slave on the CATV network plantation.

One month after this doc was issued I asked Mr. COSTESCU to free me from SLAVERY.

Next stop was KAPPA, as technical manager under OVIDIU & TESZARI Zoltan, so I deservedly regained my freedom and my position in the hierarchy as head of CATV project manager.

As OVIDIU's fall @ SCP is due to the intrigue of his wife Oana Zara, my fall @ KAPPA is due to the same evil woman, accomplice with her obedient villain husband, the perfect robbers couple.
TESZARI Zoltan, younger than them and 3 years younger than me, didn't have any point of view and agreed to throw me away without paying me.
I think it was the same phenomenon like at SCP where half of my salary was taken by OVIDIU.
And Oana, as personnel and accountancy manager, NEVER registered my contract @ KAPPA and NEVER paid me a dime, even we expanded the network with extraordinary speed because I had solid strengths on that territory, the cradle of the former Romania's leading team...

An 'interesting' meeting report:

On June 24, 1993 I was still working for them.
What do we see ?
The man of trust Eugen Purcaru from the furniture design as CATV manager !
The man of trust Grigore Antonescu recycled from the system, having sometime something to do with electronics (alleged !)
Petre Stoica, the survivor uncle of Oana Zara's fall...
Axane, Ilie Popescu, other recycled dinosaurs.
Eugen Simionescu, a guy who worked at CATV in Israel who stuck to SCP.

Nicolae Dumitru, NAE, my colleague from 1992, the only guy who really understood the CATV sites, manager of the working hand...

The first on the list, Mr. Popescu, put his hands on his head when he realized that Purcaru built CATV business as shelter for recycled dinosaurs from the dying communist structures and factories like Mobilux, former furniture factory.
Instead of having a dynamic team, at SCP CATV he found a gerontology clinic, a lukewarm asylum, last chance to increase the level of the approaching pension.
Some of them were reactivated from the pension to seize the opportunity.

One week later, on July 2, 1993, Mr. Eugenius (Eu = ME, the Genius) issued this:

Mihailescu's job description is walker with papers (an probably with Johhny Walker and more)
My job is a same, but marginalized in a nebula, 'something' inferior than the first one's job
Popescu's job was almost nothing, but he started to put buildings' elements in the project.
Where is Mrs. COCOS (Cock) ? Curious, missing...

An example of absolute silliness:

Translation: no matter if you fulfill the task on 22 or 23, it must be ready at 12 !!!

One of my tasks was to get re-transmission agreements from different TV channels like PRO7, SAT1, RTL. These were German appreciated entertainment channels. I was insistent and finally I got their agreements, documents in the Audiovisual licence folder. Starting with September 1, 1992, the Romanian law of audiovisual demanded to get licence for CATV and the re-transmission agreements.
Easier for me was to get these from Deutsche Welle and Worldnet - USIA (from the US embassy).
At one moment KISS Sanyi cam eto Bucharest and asked Ovidiu to give him copies of the agreements because he didn't have licence and his business was in danger to be suspended.
As my correspondence with the foreign TV channels was done in the name of Ovidiu, the envelopes were bearing his name:

March 1994:
This document shows the 'competence'  of Mihailescu.
I aligned the satellite dishes from both sites mentioned in this document, October 1, 1992 and spring 1993. No need of compass or spectrum analyzer. It was due to my 1 year of experience with satellite dishes before being hired by SCP. Here Mihailescu used the services of a collaborator.
Earlier I mentioned that he didn't know how to flatten a line extender slope by fixed equalizers...

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