miercuri, 15 iulie 2020

Some docs from KAPPA

NOTE: There was no contract between me & KAPPA, they never registered it, no mention in my employee book ! This means that all the documents signed by me have no value.
For example the CNA license, different approvals, my technical manager representative position
is an imposture...

I didn't realize that in 2018 I ordered the same business card model as in 1993...

CNA licence for KAPPA, Ovidiu Crisan & me

My action @ Budapest for the 24 channels head-end. I took the night train to Budapest on September 29, 1993. I arrived on September 30, morning. I went to the factory, they gave me the components, I put them on the night train to Bucharest. On October 1st I was back home !

Cable World CW-3000 head-end:

The confirmation of my title @ KAPPA (Teszari Zoltan, Ovidiu Crisan & Oana Zara)

The foundations for the 3 X 3 meter satellite dishes installed on the condominium number 22 (Titulescu - Maltopol)

The first installed Texscan line extender

The agent confirms my presence @ KAPPA

Probably the last dispositions for the CATV installing teams before my forced exit from KAPPA:

A flyer:

older flyer

The notes are not mine.

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