duminică, 26 iulie 2020

Satellite TV decoders

Filmnet analogue decoder - circuit from an Italian electronics hobby magazine:

The synchronizing signal was sent on 7,56 MHz.
The circuit down is in fact a sound circuit.
The LED shows the decoding status.

Filmnet switched to D2-MAC Eurocrypt

Original Filmnet decoder

The EEPROM could be reprogrammed to allow the use of a remote control.

PACE D2-MAC Eurocrypt decoder:

Videocrypt 1 decoder. Somebody gave me this in autumn 1992.

When I went to Budapest I bought an original VC1 card.
Later I replaced the VC1 circuit inside with Videocrypt 2 in order to receive Discovery for Romania.

Decoder for Premiere Germany. It never worked...

In 1996 I started my Internet adventure, first with a 286 @ 6/12 MHz (!!!) & EGA color monitor.
Using ftpmail I got information how to play with PC emulators...

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