joi, 16 iulie 2020

SCP network @ villas

SCP had a bad politics for the possible subscribers living in villas.
To discourage ANY attempt of people living in villas to sign contracts, SCP put a high connecting fee, 100 USD. But people living in villas were rich enough and they put pressure on SCP.
The reason why they didn't like villas is that the cable must be pulled on facades and later on rented poles for electrical distribution or telephony.
Pulling cables between crowded condominiums was very simple and efficent.
As I designed the CATV line to my villas neighborhood I put pressure on SCP where my father still worked, he signed a contract and they allowed me to pull a cable from the closest condominium to the villa where we were living.
Immediately the rumor that I have CATV spreaded in the neighborhood.
Doru Cohanciuc went to SCP and he didn't left the building without having a contract with them.
I bought an amplifier and I asked all my neighbors around to sign contracts with SCP and I'll pull the cables for them. At the maximum expansion of SCP by STELU CATV network for villas I had 15 subscribers. Next year (!), finally, SCP arrived with the network by pulling cables on facades.
This is the project for me @ my parents' villa (3 apartments condominium) and for my respected neighbor, Doru Cohanciuc from Spatar Milescu 24:

Having a double fee finally SCP earned a lot of money from villas, so they were fools...
Fools but many (CATV managers)...

60 meters of TFC RG6U cable for Doru

On September 14, 1994 I bought an amplifier from SCP, EV 27, made in Hungary, at Vitech Gyor.
I used this splitter for radial distribution:

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